travelers can help LGBT communities

1. When researching your destination, research the LGBT community too.Take some time to check out a few (legitimate, reliable) articles on how the LGBT community in your destination is treated. Wha…

Good person of color

This episode of the podcast In The Thick has prominent activists and journalists discussing: What does it mean to be a “good” person of color? Are only people of color with select chara…

24 hours in Portland

MorningYou’re bound to hit up Old Town at some point today where the “Keep Portland Weird” mural is, so let’s just get this out of the way. Take your darn photo. If history …

What a biracial woman has to say

I published an article recently about my journey to self-acceptance. I poured my heart out and admitted things to the world, of which I am deeply ashamed. I was legitimately scared to post the piec…

5 Sleek Carry-On Bags for Every Budget

Nothing puts a damper on a getaway like an ugly run-of-the-mill carry-on with zippers that decide to work only periodically. If you’re feeling less than proud of your packing situation, it ma…