woman dismantles US bombs in Laos

I often hear that logging is the most dangerous job in the world. After watching this video though I question that. This is Pi, a Laotian woman who has been working for a UK-based mines discovery g…

5 places to be alone in Sardinia

SARDINIA IS BLESSED with incredibly beautiful nature, some of it hardly affected by tourism. Whether gorgeous beaches, placid rivers or tranquil villages, it’s easy to find a place to be alon…

Ottawa: Home of masterpieces

THOUGH MODEST IN SIZE, Ottawa is brimming with homegrown artistic talent. Art galleries saturate Canada’s capital region, while the National Gallery, Canada’s preeminent gallery and one…

Why I’m not voting third party

LIKE MANY YOUNG PEOPLE IN AMERICA, I can get disillusioned about the two-party political system. Every four years, I say to myself: I’m ready to vote for a third party. Every four years I sco…