An Evening with Etihad Airways at the UAE Embassy

Etihad recently invited select elite Etihad Guest members in the Washington, DC area to join North American senior management at the United Arab Emirates embassy. The event included an appreciation…

9 of the best hangover cures in Milwaukee

1. The Kitchen Sink at Ma Fischer’s Milwaukee’s Upper East Side is a big college town, so when UWM students are done with a night of drinking and looking to get a hot coffee and carb-fi…

Stay away from the wild animals

2016 SEEMS TO BE THE YEAR OF PEOPLE behaving stupidly around the animals in Yellowstone National Park. People keep getting gored while attempting to take selfies with buffaloes. A baby buffalo had …

Epic Go Pro video of voladores

The following video was filmed in Cuetzalan, a small town in the state of Puebla, Mexico. The footage shows the Danza de los Voladores, a mesoamerican ritual still performed to this day. Watching v…