American expats let it out

1. You actually prefer making friends with other expats.“I married an Argentine, my child is Argentine, I work with Argentines, I watch Argentine TV, eat Argentine food, read Argentine books …

Piss off someone from Birmingham

Take James Spann’s advice lightly.This guy is our weather guru, and what he says goes. We take tornado season pretty seriously, and if you’re not listening to James Spann, you’re …

24 hours in Santa Cruz

While much of the rest of the California coast can be foggy, Santa Cruz, perched between the ocean and the mountains, exists in a vortex of beautiful golden light and is sunny when nearby towns are…

Signs you’re back in Hawaii

1. Aunties are lovingly stuffing you with raw aku and poi while at the same time bemoaning your life choices.“You haf a Master’s in what? Writing? Aie aie aie. What you goin’ do w…