Dramatic Drone Shots Over Tokyo

If you’ve ever been to Tokyo, you know how busy a city it can be. But it’s amazing to see how different — and calm — everything is when you view it from above. We traveled t…

Latinos age slower than every one

Researchers at UCLA recently published the findings of a study that suggests that Latinos age slower than other ethnic groups. To reach that conclusion, the researchers analyzed eighteen sets of da…

24 Hours in St. Augustine, Florida

MorningAssuming you aren’t staying downtown, you’re going to need a place to park. Your best bet is either the Visitor Center on South Castillo Dr. ($12) or since you also need a plan f…

We need responsible travel now

TRAVEL BRINGS STRANGERS TOGETHER — over 2 billion of them last year — and yet, like a lot of the world at the moment, it sees real divisions, between those of us who want to stay away f…