Deal Alert: Fort Lauderdale to Havana From $134

Airfare deals are typically only available on limited dates. We recommend that you use Google Flights to find dates to fly, then book through an online travel agency, such as Orbitz or Expedia, whi…

How government works

ONE OF THE PRIMARY REASONS people think Donald Trump would be a good President is that he’s a businessman. And many people think that the skills of running a business translate directly to ru…

10 best beaches in Los Angeles

Los Angeles without beaches is like tacos without tortillas…it just doesn’t add up. The sand and surf that’s to be found up and down LA’s coastline are a defining feature o…

September was the warmest month

Climate Change is the single most important issue facing the human race today, and yet not one direct question has been asked about it in either of the last two presidential debates. According to d…