travel lessons from 2016

1. In the New Year stop writing silly travel blogs.If you’re going to do something about travel then please do something beyond a vanity project where you try to make everyone feel jealous of…

Advice to travelers to Budapest

With an increasing number of budget airlines flying to Hungary’s capital city, it is more reachable than ever before. Just make sure to know these things before booking your trip.1. Not being…

8 differences between a NYC native and a transplant

New York natives fold our pizza to eat it.Pizza by the slice is a bit of a religion in New York and us natives fold our slice in half lengthwise to eat it. This technique makes it easier to eat and…

How to properly compliment a Southerner

IF YOU’VE ever heard the phrase, “you catch more flies with honey,” then you’ve probably been to the south. The southern United States are known for being home to one of the…

7 things Alaskans love to whine about

1. The cost of keeping a home heated.In spite of the fact we’re an oil and gas state, maintaining the delicate balance between keeping an Alaskan home decently heated vs. spending a small for…