Be a remote CEO

I’m the kind of person who believes in the magical life-enhancing properties of travel. Whether it’s for business or pleasure (the two, as far as I’m concerned, aren’t mutua…

Best restaurants in Pittsburg

The food scene is booming in Pittsburg. Before you know it, there will be a dozen new joints serving up things you’ve never heard of, dreamed of, or ever knew you needed. While Lawrenceville …

Awesome video of Mexico

DON’T MAKE an effort to find an obvious narrative in this short film, Oliver Astrologo and Simone Sampó have captured whatever passed by their eyes without any other consideration.They…

8 Things No One Tells You About Madrid

Madrid will immediately charm you with its regal monuments, tree-lined boulevards and energetic, happy ambience. With an up-and-coming food scene, new hotels and bars popping up everywhere and some…